Cellulite Wrap

Cellulite Wrap - At the end of a long, stressful day at work there is nothing quite like relaxing in a nice hot bath with a good book. Imagine that it is cold outside and your feet are aching. Slipping into a hot bath will take all the troubles of your day away and enable you to relax before going to bed. You undress, get your towels and… look at your cellulite in the mirror.

Maybe you feel resigned to the fact that it is always going to be there. Maybe your confidence plummets and you feel even more stressed. Whatever your reaction, you wish that there was some sort of cellulite solution to your problem. Well, there is and you can combine it with your bath – the cellulite wrap!

Natural cures for cellulite are few and far between these days. The majority of cellulite creams have chemical or synthetic ingredients in them, many fruits are treated with chemicals at the growing phase and cellulite surgery does not even come into this discussion, but the effect that a bath has on a cellulite wrap is completely natural.

The cellulite wrap is designed to target the area of your body that is affected by cellulite, but the heat of the bath would serve to accelerate the effects of the wrap itself. The heat affects your skin, which has a natural reaction. The pores open and this lets the nutrients from the wrap into your skin so they get to where they are going more quickly. All you have to do is apply and cover the wrap with strips of towel or another similar type of cloth and lower yourself in the bath. The heat will then work its magic!

There are some great ways you can use body wraps for cellulite in the bath. All of them are natural and all of them involve clay. You have to use green clay for these wraps because anything less substantial will simply wash away into the bath itself. They will no doubt make your skin soft but they will have little effect on the cellulite problem area because it would not target it directly.

The following cellulite recipes will work a treat but make sure that you have the clay! Mix up about 300g to 500g of clay and then add one of the following combination:

1. 5 drops of lavender oil and 5 drops of peppermint oil.
2. 5 drops of lemon juice (fresh) and 3 drops of juniper.
3. 5 tbsp of olive oil and 3 tbsp sea salt.
4. 25g ground chamomile and 10g green tea extract.

All of the above are extremely effective cellulite body wraps. You can mix and match ingredients if you like but the given combination are effective when put together. Be sure to mix the ones you choose well with the clay so that it is spread evenly on your thighs before the towels are applied. The clay will keep it in place so that it can work its magic on your legs. All that is left then is to relax and enjoy your bath. It is as simple as that!

Cellulite Reduction Beauty Tips

I'm sure you have come across countless tips to reduce cellulite. So how do you know which ones actually work? Try listening to a beauty expert.

Below we have the best of the best cellulite reduction tips given by authors of beauty books. Read on.

cellulite treatment There are many expensive massage treatments for cellulite reduction.
However, you can follow the same method in your very own home. It's called dry brushing.

Buy a shower brush with soft bristles and massage it over problem areas for ten minutes
a day. Make sure you massage your skin while it is dry and in circular rotations.

This technique not only feels good but it helps remove toxins from the body, improve blood
circulation and muscle tone. It also aids in the breakdown of cellulite and helps reduce that jiggle.

A natural remedy to reduce cellulite is mixing a base oil with coriander, thyme, wintergreen
and carrot essential oil. Next, massage this oil over cellulite affected areas.

It's thought that this cellulite reduction method works by stimulating circulation and helping
the body purge itself of the toxins that get trapped in cellulite. I'm not aware of any
medical research specifically done on this remedy but it's worked for me and a lot of my

Squats are a fundamental exercise to firm our common problem areas. However, most
people forget a second step which works to reduce cellulite.

After squatting, women should place their weight on one leg then another, sort of like
rocking side to side. This helps to work the muscles that line the outsides of your thighs.
Unless you're an ice skater you probably don't use these muscles very often. This addition
to the squat aids in cellulite reduction on both legs.

Building muscle helps in cellulite reduction by eliminating fat -- which obviously contributes
to cellulite. A great way to build muscle is eating a little protein each day.

Now, this doesn't mean you should go and eat a bunch of peanut butter! Choose your
protein from sensible sources for optimal cellulite reduction.

Another effective cellulite scrub is a salt scrub. Try rubbing cellulite affected areas with
Epsom salts (you can usually find this in the drugstore) while in the shower. The salts
extract trapped moisture from your cellulite while stimulating circulation.

This anti-cellulite scrub also helps firm and tighten skin which aids in cellulite reduction. But
remember not to scrub too hard -- you can easily injure your skin.

The Wonders Of Cellulite Body Wraps For The Whole Body!

Cellulite body wraps are quickly becoming extremely popular as women everywhere catch on to the fact that there is no one cellulite cure out there for them to tap into. The modern woman uses a variety of methods to achieve cellulite reduction on an ongoing basis. Many of the women that subscribe to this point of view so manage to reduce the appearance of their cellulite and keep it at a manageable level too, but not enough women do it.

Well, here to get you started are suggested cellulite body wraps for every part of the body that could be affected by cellulite. Every one is different so you can treat the areas of your body that have the dreaded orange peel as and when you need to. Once every two weeks usually does the trick so lay back, relax and enjoy the best cellulite body wraps around!

Cellulite body wraps for thighs and legs are best administered in the bath so that you get all of the nutrients from the wrap to work on the most stubborn of your orange peel. The hot water will open your pore and give all of the anti cellulite vitamins and minerals easy access to the target area. Try mixing 5 drops of Aloe Vera with 5 drops of lavender oil and 50g sea salt. Mix the resultant paste with green clay and layer it on your thighs. Soak strips of towel in hot water before using them to cover up the clay.

All you have to do then is soak in the bath for at least 20 minutes and wait for the mixture to work its magic! You will soon find that your thighs have reduced by an inch or so and feel smoother, as well as look a picture of cellulite reduction!

  • ARMS
This is one of the more rare places on the body to develop cellulite but is also the one that is more easily treated. Use cellulite body wraps that are packed with essential oils and vitamins to get your arms back on the right track. Mix the juice of a lemon with 100g pure honey and a little green tea extract. Mix the past well before using a paintbrush to spread it evenly on your arms. It need only be on for 10 minutes so stand or sit with your arms spread for that time before jumping in the shower to rinse it off. When you are in the shower, massage the area with your fingertips to ensure that the majority of nutrients spread.

It is quite common for women to have cellulite on the buttocks, abdomen and pelvis, but it is harder to treat these areas with cellulite body wraps for several reasons. For example, you put pressure on your bum whilst laying in the bath so the nutrients cannot get to it as effectively. Also, you cannot just sit on the bed or sofa and relax. As such, you have to stand and you have to have a cellulite wrap that will stick to your skin alone. This is why you should use clay. You could also use warm towels to wrap the pelvis, abdomen and buttocks after applying the mixture if you want to enhance the effect.

Any wrap applied here should be left for around twenty minutes so it works well. As cellulite is more stubborn here, you should try a mixture of ingredients. Try 5 drops of tea tree oil, 5 drops of lavender oil, 5 drops of lemon juice, 5 teaspoons of olive oil and a little green tea extract. Mix it all well with a handful of sea salt and then add the clay. Spread an even layer on the affected area and then get ready to stand for a while! You will notice that the appearance of your cellulite reduces overnight after this wrap but you will need to apply it once every couple of weeks to make sure that it works over time!

The Best Household Body Cellulite Homemade Wrap

Cellulite homemade wrap
Cellulite cures are the subject of books, articles and tips in magazines every day of the week these days. The ongoing battle against the orange peel seems to be a crusade for most women and while this remains the case those articles and tips will keep being written, but what if you are on a budget and cellulite reduction is the last thing on your shopping list?

Cellulite creams can be expensive,
cellulite surgery is out of the question,
and cellulite massage is also off the table,
so what now? Well, you could always make a homemade wrap to rid cellulite. Believe it or not, that is possible without breaking the bank!

A good body cellulite body wrap can be made from ingredients that you already have in your cupboards. In fact, there are two that immediately spring to mind. They are inexpensive and effective in helping to cure your cellulite problem. All you need is a spare five minutes to raid your cupboards and you are ready to tap into the beauty of your own specially concocted body wrap!
  • Lemon And Honey Body Cellulite Homemade Wrap
• ½ a lemon
• 5 tbsp honey
• 2 tbsp salt (preferably sea salt)

This recipe is excellent for softening the skin, encouraging the circulation of the blood in the area and also removing excess water as well. As such, it will improve the appearance of cellulite in no time! All you do is grate the rind of the lemon and squeeze the juice. Add the zest and juice to the honey and stir. Then add the salt to the body cellulite homemade wrap and make sure it is well blended. Lather it on the areas you wish to achieve cellulite reduction in and cover it with strips of an old towel. Leave it in place for around 15 minutes et voila!

  • Essential Oil Homemade Wrap
• 5 drops lavender oil
• 100g green clay (if you do not have any use an clay face mask)
• 1tbsp Aloe Vera

This one is more of an unusual household ingredient body cellulite homemade wrap! Many women have lavender oil in the home to burn, to have in the bath or to help them sleep. Aloe Vera is usually in the medicine cupboard. However, clay is a little bit harder to come by so it can be substituted for a mud facemask. Simply mix all of the ingredients together and then spread it on the body cellulite area. You can leave it to set or again wrap it in towel strips but only leave it for ten minutes.

Both of the above body cellulite homemade wrap recipes are great temporary cellulite cures. They will make your legs look and feel smoother for a few days so you can treat yourself to an effective cellulite wrap for no extra cost. This is great for you if you are on a budget or in need of a quick treat when you pamper yourself. Why not? You deserve it!

Get Rid of Cellulite: at Home Remedies

Although a cure for cellulite hasn't yet been invented, there are many options available to get rid of cellulite. Today, there are numerous advanced products which contain powerful ingredients to get rid of cellulite but what you don't know is this: you might have some of these ingredients at home!

These simple at home remedies can help get rid of your cellulite.

cellulite treatment Caffeine is a major ingredient in effective treatments to get rid of cellulite. This is because caffeine has the properties to constrict blood vessels, making the skin appear tighter. A simple way to utilize this ingredient is to grab your jar of coffee and make it your coffee scrub. Here is a simple cellulite treatment to try at home.

1. Go into your kitchen and grab a can of instant coffee.
2. Place at least two cups of coffee into a bowl or dish.
3. Head for a warm shower or bath. This will help the caffeine penetrate deep into your skin.
4. With circular motions, gently rub the coffee grounds on areas which have cellulite.
5. Rinse and you're done. You will notice smoother firmer skin right away.

1. Spread some newspaper on your bathroom floor.
2. Mix about a quarter-cup of warm used coffee grounds with a tablespoon or so of olive oil.
Stand on the paper and massage the coffee mixture to cellulite areas using your hands or a
loofah mitt. Massage in circular motions. Don’t worry if a lot of the coffee mixture falls to the
floor; enough will stick to your skin to do the trick.
3. Wrap the area in Saran wrap and allow to remain on for several minutes.
4. Remove wrap and brush off excess coffee mixture. Shower with warm water.

Repeat twice a week for best results.

Along with advanced cellulite creams, electronic massagers are now proving to get rid of cellulite. But before you spend major bucks on a massager, here's an easy massage trick to try at home. It really works!

1. Use a soft bristle brush you have at home.
2. Gentle massage cellulite areas such as buttocks or thighs in a circular motion.
3. Spend 5-10 minutes on each area.
4. Do this brush massage daily to get rid of cellulite by loosing trapped fat cells. The brush
massage will help circulate the fat and spread it out evenly underneath your skin. Soon you
will have smoother looking skin!

You can manage your cellulite daily with these simple at home techniques to get rid of cellulite. Since much of the basic science behind effective cellulite products start at home, you will notice positive results without spending major bucks.

Five Step Anti Cellulite Plan

1. Get Your Diet Right

This is step one because beauty literally does come from within where anti cellulite treatment is concerned. You have to fight cellulite from within because it is caused by a number of internal factors. For example, the toxins and water that congregate around the fat cells make your cellulite appear to be worse than it is. If you clear out your system with a high fibre cellulite diet and plenty of antioxidants, the appearance of your orange peel will soon reduce after some time.

2. Get To Steppin’

Exercise gets the blood pumping big time so you should fit in a thirty minute workout three times a week. This anti cellulite treatment will get your blood pumping, improve your system in terms of its ability to get rid of toxins and tone your thighs as well! You can either choose cellulite exercises that work a specific area or general cardio exercise that will get your heart into fine working order.

3. Get Hydrated

Drink plenty of water because dehydration makes cellulite appear a lot worse than it may otherwise be. The fat cells swell and take on excess water if you are dehydrated. However, if you are fully hydrated then the excess will just pass through your system. This HAS to be a part of your cellulite treatment routine regardless of whether you take all of the other steps or not.

4. Get De-Stressed

Relaxing is also a must when it comes to trying to get a cellulite cure to work. This is because your body will not respond to any anti cellulite antidote if it is stressed. The muscles and tissue will tense, which will make your cellulite worse, and no amount of dieting or exercise will make it relax. You have to chill out..

5. Get A Good … (fill in the blank!)

This is where you discover the treatment that works best for you. Every form of anti cellulite treatment must be accompanied with all of the above for the best results and to give it a chance of lasting as far into the future as possible. After all, you do want smooth legs as long as possible do you not? Getting the right cream, procedure or technological device is a distant fifth to the above so get that all in order first.

Preventing Cellulite

Before you can prevent cellulite you should understand what cellulite is. Cellulite is excess fat in the body that gets trapped underneath the top layer of skin. A great way to prevent cellulite formation is to prevent the accumulation of excess fat in the body. This can be done by dieting and exercising.

There is really no anti-cellulite food. However, there are foods which are less fatty than others. Therefore the possibility that these foods will turn into cellulite is high. The cellulite diet is more about what foods you should stay away from than what foods to eat.

Foods to stay away from are caffeine, salty foods, or fatty foods because they create excess water in the body. These cause cellulite in your body to become engorged and look more visible; hence cottage cheese thighs!

Remember part of treating cellulite is creating a lifestyle which helps manage fat in the body. After all cellulite is excess fat stored in the body. Building muscle mass in cellulite affected areas such as legs and buttocks help burn fat which later can turn into cellulite. Muscles also work to stretch and smooth dimpled skin. As a result legs will be firmer and you will feel great.

There are two types of exercise that work to prevent and treat cellulite. They are cardiovascular and anaerobic exercises.

1. Cardiovascular exercises
help prevent cellulite by increasing blood circulation in your body. This helps move fat
build up in the body which can later turn into cellulite. Cardiovascular exercises to
consider are walking, running, or swimming.

2. Anaerobic exercises
treat cellulite by zoning in on cellulite affected areas such as cottage cheese thighs.
Anaerobic exercises help metabolize fat in localized areas of the body and converts it to
muscle. In fact, the most important way you can eliminate cellulite is by building muscle;
or every pound of muscle in your body, your body will burn an extra 50 calories a day.

These workouts are also beneficial for thin women who have cellulite since it helps them concentrate only on the body parts which have cellulite .Anaerobic workouts involve squats, leg curls, and lunges.

In the last couple of years new research and developments have paved the way for effective cellulite treatments. Treating cellulite can range anywhere from using a cellulite cream to opting for spa or medical treatments. Spa treatments usually involve painless procedures similar to getting a massage. Well know cellulite spa treatments are endermologie and acoustic wave therapy.

Medical cellulite treatments are more advanced treatments that need to be administered by a doctor. They are extremely effective and results last as long as 6-8 months. Keep in mind there is no cellulite treatment that permanently eliminates cellulite. However they do significantly reduce cellulite and patients must continue being treated to maintain optimum results.

A popular medical treatment for cellulite is mesotherapy which works to melt cellulite out of the body. Mesotherapy works on localized areas as well so you can target cottage cheese thighs or cellulite on your buttocks.

Preventing excess fat means preventing fat from turning into cellulite. This is a great way to cut down on cellulite formation in the body. Exercises for cellulite should involve both cardiovascular exercises and anaerobic exercises. Cardiovascular exercises such as walking, running, or swimming boost circulation which in turns help fat circulate in your body. This celulite being trapped in areas such as thighs or buttocks.

Anaerobic exercises help target cellulite affected areas by building muscle mass. These exercises involve squats or leg curls. They are also great for thin women who don't need to loose weight but need to focus on reducing cellulite. Building muscle mass is essential in reducing cellulite.

Muscles work to improve skin elasticity by stretching your skin and reduce excess fat in the body. With anaerobic exercises you can tone your jiggly butt and smooth out cellulite so that you can flaunt your rump proudly!
Finally, the only reflection you'll see are sexy legs!
